Well, apparently posting a lot on my blog was not one of my new year's resolutions! There's been a lot going on, just nothing interesting, but I'll post about it anyway, because what the heck, I'm bored and don't have anything else to do at the moment (yeah, yeah, those dishes can wait!)
I went back to the casino for more paperwork, and then was sent home with even MORE paperwork--a 23 page application for a gaming license that every casino employee must have. It's pretty intense. I had to list all my jobs (or lack there of) and residences for the last 15 years. Plus financial info, spouse info, criminal record info (luckily nothing to report there) and much more.
It was a test of my resolve to be employed as well as a test of my memory recall. Maybe that's how they weed out the wussies, I don't know! I go back this coming Tuesday and Wednesday for "employee orientation", and then hopefully they'll put me to work!
Nat and Shel have been getting in touch with their dramatic side and writing plays for the guinea pigs to act out. They did their own version of Rapunzel, and the pigs cooperated quite nicely.
Mike is selling one of his barbecues to help out our financial situation, and looks like the sale will go through this week. He also has his old Landcruiser on the market. He just got a really good insurance job (water damage from a broken pipe) that will be fairly lucrative too. Things are looking up a bit, thank goodness!
My dance friend got us into
Rakkasah again this year. There's one day to call in for a spot, and she spent 5 (yes FIVE) hours redialing to get in. Wow! I hope my new job will let me have that day off (it's not until March).
The local dance girls here are all performing on Sunday, and I'm going to go out of my comfort zone and do a solo. I usually just dance with my troupe, but what the hay, I'm feeling pretty confident (or I was when I signed up for it). I finally got around to choosing my music after about 4 days of listening to stuff and decided to do a Karshilama which is a really fast 9/8 Turkish rhythm that has very bouncy (exhausting) traditional steps. No one else seems to like it except me, so I'm fairly confident that my solo will be unique. Most of the Karshilamas I had on cd were somewhere around 4 minutes long, but I finally found one that's only 2 1/2 minutes. I feel confident I can do that without dropping dead, so now I have to decide what to wear...that's the hardest part of performing after all!
That now concludes this fascinating update. You're welcome.