Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I'm Hired and Surprised All On The Same Day

After three long weeks, and after giving up entirely on the job at the casino coming through for me, I got a call this morning that they're offering me the restaurant hostess job I interviewed for.

I was told I had to come to the casino by 3pm today to sign a contingency letter to begin the hiring process. I wasn't sure why they were so insistent I do it today, but I was excited and eagerly drove over to do it.

When I got there the lady told me this was actually for the drug test, but that they don't tell people that, because some people won't show up, or will want to reschedule for a more "convenient" day.

Well, they sure fooled me! As long as they don't test for high levels of chocolate, I should be okay.

So the process begins...I have more hoops to jump through for them next week, and then some training, but hey, I'm on my way to a second paycheck again. Hurray!


LisAway said...

Yay! Good for you. What a relief. Now you have your purse and wallet, and soon you'll have something to put in it!!

So you passed the drug test? Congratulations! Those things are tough. :)

Jenna said...

Congratulations! I hope 2009 is awesome for you!

Rose said...

Congrats on the new job! What a great way to end the year/start the new year.